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TBR Challenge 2009 Recap

If you visited the last incarnation of this blog, you may have seen this post from late 2008, called “TBR Challenge 2009”:

I’m not sure how many books I read in 2008, but it’s somewhere in the 2-3 range. That’s just a ballpark figure.

I’d really like to be reading more and the 2009 TBR (To Be Read) Challenge sounds like it might help me do just that.

I think what I’m supposed to do is make a list of 12 books before January 1st that I’m going to read in 2009. I can read one a month or I can read them all in one month, as long as they’re all read by this time next year.  I already have like 100 books on my Amazon Wishlist, so this should be pretty easy (the making the list part).

My List

The challenge also allows for an alternate list of 12 more titles that can be substituted for any of the books on my list.

Alternate List

There were a couple follow-up posts about how horrible I was doing. I’m pretty sure I only completed one of those books in 2009, The Timewaster Letters by Robin Cooper, which is probably also the shortest book on both lists, clocking in at a breezy 192 pages. I also read about half of Generation Kill on a flight to Germany and got a couple chapters into Infinite Jest before throwing in the towel on that one. I’d still like to read it at some point but I don’t think it was best choice for easing myself into a normal reading habit.

All in all the experiment was an complete and utter failure. Getting through 6-7 books would have at least been respectable.


This turned out to be a better year for me (reading wise). I didn’t even start reading my first book of the year until late August and I still managed to get through 6 books before the end of the year:


And here’s what 2011 looks like so far:

I didn’t make a full list in time for the 2011 TBR Challenge but I’m still hoping to get 12 books in this year.

Questions for the comments:

  • What are you reading?
  • What should I read next? Anything from my original lists?
  • If I wrote a book would you buy it?
  • Is reading for pussies and should I be doing something more manly like doing tire flips or putting cigarettes out on my tongue?
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