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Strawberry Belgian Milk Stout, Part 3: I’ve Made A Terrible Mistake

It’s been about a month since I kegged the Strawberry Belgian Milk Stout. This is what it looks like:

Strawberry Belgian Milk Stout Pour

Strawberry Belgian Milk Stout Pour

I’m guessing that light colored stuff is the Adult Strawberry Milk. At first I thought maybe it had just settled out in the keg and after a few pours the beer would clear up (as much as a stout can clear up) but it’s still coming out like that even a month after kegging. It seems pretty evenly distributed throughout so I’m assuming it’s not ever going to settle out.

It doesn’t taste bad at all. It just looks so weird, I haven’t been able to judge it objectively. I’m gonna give it some more time and maybe do some blind taste tests to see if it’s something I want to drink or if I should just dump it (or bottle it and give it away).

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